- the emails you receive. No more inbox overwhelm.
"Before, I was on my emails consistently, trying to get the number down, but every time I would answer one email, two or three more would take its place. I would check my emails first thing in the morning when I woke up, late at night before I went to sleep, and answering emails on the weekend...Now I typically don't look at my phone for emails on the weekend anymore, and typically only during work hours." Shawn Y., Attorney
Yup. You read that right.
We know what you’re thinking:
"$7? That seems impossible. Maybe they meant $70 or $700." (normally $297)
Nope. It’s just $7.
Here’s why: we’re doing something special. We want to fill this session with an engaged audience to capture massive success stories, collect valuable data, and record a powerful experience. This session is going to help so many people, and we’d love for you to be part of it.
This session is packed with actionable strategies, practical tips, and everything you need to take control of your inbox—including focused time to tackle and delete those lingering emails.
And yes, it’s only $7.
Are you ready to grab your seat for just $7?
Join us on Wednesday, January 29th from 2:05 - 4:55 pm (eastern) via Zoom.
"Before the Escape from Email Hell (Masterclass), I was always busy, especially grabbing my phone every other minute to deal with calls, texts, emails, etc.. After working with Tiffanie, I decided to set boundaries in my life. Now, I don't respond to every email the second it comes in. I love being able to take control of my life!”
“Thanks to your tips, I am still managing my email and am getting more done than ever before. I even have more time for myself and took my first weekend off in forever without having to work the phone or email.”
Court Reporting Agency
“Clearing out my daily emails used to be nearly an all-day job (250-300 per day) which I dreaded. Now it takes about 30 minutes to take care of them and I can get on to actually working ON my business."
Tiffanie Kellog entered the entrepreneurial world in 2003 and since then has enjoyed being able to help her clients MAKE MONEY, SAVE TIME, and have FUN! Since then, Tiffanie has spent her time traveling across the globe helping thousands of entrepreneurs create amazing businesses and have spectacular lives – through keynote presentations, workshops, online programs, and more!
Whether sharing her expertise (with her southern accent) on referral marketing, networking or maximizing your time, Tiffanie will knock the socks off the audience with her fun and entertaining presentations while leaving them with eTiffanies (epiphanies from Tiffanie) to help create RESULTS in their world!!!
Tiffanie shares, “My goal is to help people achieve their dreams by giving them the tools needed to make more money in less time so they can have more fun!”